Restore Deep Sea Fish Oil

2024-04-01 22:30
  • release time:2010-11-13?16:51

Restore deep sea fish oil: How to take it?

Author: Wang Tingting Source: Science and Technology Daily Updated: 2010-11-9


News Origin

The wide variety of fish oil products on the market is already dazzling, and many professional terms such as DHA, EPA, Omega-3, unsaturated fatty acids, etc. are even more confusing. In a vicious commercial competition recently, deep-sea fish oil was slandered beyond recognition by some businesses.

What kind of ingredients are contained in deep-sea fish oil? What are the functions of these ingredients? In order to interpret deep-sea fish oil in detail, our reporter interviewed relevant experts.

Application of fish oil in children's food: my country has clear quality specifications and national standards

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Should deep-sea fish oil be consumed? Who should consume it? How should it be consumed? These questions trouble consumers. In fact, international and domestic experts have clearly stated that over the years, academic circles in various countries have conducted a large number of scientific studies and experiments on fish oil, proving that the DHA and EPA contained in deep-sea fish oil can help promote the brain and intellectual development of children, and have a certain effect on improving the brain performance of the elderly and preventing Alzheimer's disease.


---- Glossary ----

DHA is commonly known as brain gold

DHA, docosahexaenoic acid, commonly known as brain gold, is a very important polyunsaturated fatty acid for the human body and an important member of the Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid family. DHA is a major element for the growth and maintenance of nervous system cells and an important component of the brain and retina. Its content in the human cerebral cortex is as high as 20%, and it accounts for the largest proportion in the retina of the eye, accounting for about 50%.

As a fatty acid, DHA is more effective in enhancing memory and thinking ability, and improving intelligence. Population epidemiological studies have found that people with high levels of DHA in their bodies have stronger psychological endurance and higher intellectual development indexes.

EPA can dredge and clean blood vessels

EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid, is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is beneficial to human health and is found in high concentrations in fish oil. EPA plays an important role in clearing the heart and blood vessels, thereby effectively preventing the occurrence of a variety of cardiovascular diseases and inflammation and enhancing immunity. Increasing the absorption of EPA has been proven to be effective in treating coronary heart disease, hypertension and inflammation (such as rheumatoid arthritis). EPA will also transform into DHA after interacting with certain enzymes in the human body.

Omega-3 can prevent and treat heart disease

Omega-3, also known as Ω-3, omega 3, etc., is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids, commonly found in deep-sea fish and certain plants, and is very beneficial to human health. The main members of the Omega-3 family include DHA and EPA, which are the main contents of fish oil fatty acids.

In the history of world medicine and nutrition, Omega-3 is another important milestone after amino acids and proteins. Omega-3 fatty acids play an inestimable and decisive role in preventing and treating heart disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, certain cancers, obesity, diabetes, early Alzheimer's disease, and even in removing depression and cultivating mental health.


———— Doubts clarified ————

Question 1: Are the DHA and EPA contained in fish oil safe for the human body?

Clarification: Breast milk contains these ingredients, so they are absolutely safe

Recently, some media reported that EPA contained in deep-sea fish oil would inhibit the growth of newborns. At the same time, some experts also pointed out that it is not ruled out that deep-sea fish oil has health benefits, but eating too much may also cause harm to the human body.

William Sears, associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of California Irvine School of Medicine, said in a telephone interview that breast milk contains naturally occurring DHA and EPA, and the amount varies depending on the amount of omega-3 in the mother's diet. Studies have shown that if the mother's diet is high in omega-3, the content of DHA and EPA in her breast milk is also high.

"Breast milk is recognized as the best food for babies. Since breast milk contains this ingredient, there is no doubt that DHA and EPA are safe for the human body," said Sears.

Question 2: Do only infants and pregnant women need to supplement DHA and EPA by taking fish oil?

Clarification: Generally speaking, fish oil is suitable and safe for ordinary consumers

Currently, most fish oil products on the market are related to infant foods. So should only infants and young children supplement DHA and EPA? "Very young or very old people need fish oil supplements the most to meet the body's needs for DHA and EPA." In response to this question, Dr. Sears said that, in general, fish oil is applicable and safe for ordinary consumers. He explained that very young people, such as those during pregnancy, breastfeeding, infancy and childhood, need to supplement fish oil because the brain grows very fast in the early stages of life. If mothers supplement DHA and EPA during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it can improve the baby's cognitive development and visual acuity. As for the elderly and children, new research shows that Omega-3 can help enhance the immune system, and it is EPA that plays a role in this.

Question 3: Can the daily diet provide enough DHA and EPA required by the human body?

Clarification: Chinese people’s DHA+EPA intake is less than 1/4 of the amount recommended by international authoritative organizations

Given that there are a lot of fish oil products on the Chinese market and consumers lack the corresponding professional knowledge, it is difficult to choose. So, can we supplement enough DHA and EPA through daily diet?

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the United States recommends that adults consume 160 mg of DHA+EPA per day. This is not only recommended by the Institute of Medicine of the United States, but also by many international authoritative organizations. According to the public data of the "Survey on Nutrition and Health Status of Chinese Residents" (CNHS-2002) organized and implemented by the Ministry of Health, and supplemented with some data, the results show that the current intake of DHA+EPA by Chinese people is less than 1/4 of the amount recommended by international authoritative organizations. International researchers also remind that due to the increasing deviation from traditional diet, the intake of DHA and EPA by Chinese residents is already far below the recommended amount for optimal health.

"I often recommend to my patients to eat 6 ounces of wild salmon or take high-quality DHA and EPA supplements at least twice a week," Sears said. At present, countries including Japan and China have successively launched edible blended oils with added deep-sea fish oil, making it easier for more consumers to supplement DHA and EPA in their normal diets. "This is an innovative application and the most convenient way, and it is more in line with Chinese people's eating habits," Sears commented.


——— Expert Connection ————

Yu Xiaodong (Professor at the Center for Public Nutrition and Development, National Development and Reform Commission): Given the multiple nutritional values ??of fish oil, especially its importance to brain function, government departments and professional associations in many countries recommend increasing the intake of DHA and EPA through eating oily fish, fortified foods or dietary supplements.

In my country, fish oil DHA was approved by the Ministry of Health in 2000 as a nutritional fortifier for use in infant formula. In 2007, the Ministry of Health expanded the application of DHA from tuna oil to infant formula, older infant and toddler formula, children's formula and preschool cereals, with the added amount not exceeding 0.5% of the total fatty acids. The national food safety standard promulgated in March this year further stipulates that the content of EPA in infant formula does not exceed the content of DHA, which is completely consistent with the Codex (International Food Code) infant food standard.

It can be seen that my country has clear quality specifications and national standards for the use of fish oil in children's food. Consumers should insist on choosing fish oil products with reliable brands and in line with national standards when purchasing and consuming them, and keep a good "first line of defense" for safety.

Clinical study confirms fish oil supplementation benefits children's development

Yu Xiaodong: Experts and scholars in the field of scientific research and clinical application generally agree that breast milk is the best food for infants and young children because it contains rich nutrients including DHA and EPA. Therefore, imitating breast milk to the greatest extent has always been the ultimate goal of all infant food manufacturers.

In the UK's Oxford Durham study, the largest clinical study on fish oil to date, 117 school-age children aged 5 to 12 received a daily intake of 558 mg of EPA, 174 mg of DHA, and 174 mg of GLA. Linolenic acid) 60 mg for 6 months. The results were very significant. Among the 13 behavioral tests, the children who supplemented fish oil showed significant improvements in 12 aspects, including higher self-control, improved reading and writing skills, and better concentration, without any side effects.

Therefore, consumers can choose fish oil products that meet national standards and scientific proportions and consume them with confidence. They do not have to stay away from qualified fish oil products just because they hear or see some unscientific and inaccurate publicity and hype.


---- Related Links ----

New version of food fortifier standard solicits opinions, DHA addition limit proposed

On October 26, the Ministry of Health released a new draft of the "Standards for the Use of Food Nutrition Fortifiers" for soliciting opinions. For the first time, it clearly defined the amount of DHA in formula milk powder as "≤0.5% (percentage of total fatty acids)". In recent years, DHA has been promoted by many food companies as "brain gold", giving people the impression that the more it is added, the better. If the above standards are finally passed, it means that DHA cannot be added at will.

The Ministry of Health has listed the sources of nutritional fortifier compounds that are allowed to be used in the new version of the "Standards for the Use of Food Nutrition Fortifiers" posted on its official website for comments. The DHA column only lists three types of food, namely, modulated milk powder and modulated cream powder (including flavored milk powder and flavored cream powder), rice and its products (rice, rice flour, rice cake), wheat flour and its products, and all are marked "only for children's food". The consumption of the former is limited to "≤0.5% (percentage of total fatty acids)", and the latter two are "66mg/100g, the amount used is calculated based on pure DHA".

Wang Dingmian, a senior dairy expert, said in an interview that there have always been different opinions on how much DHA should be added in the milk powder industry. "I remember that this is the first time I have seen a clear standard for DHA consumption in milk powder." Wang Dingmian said that if too much DHA is added, it may not be a good thing because it will cause a burden on infants and young children to digest and absorb it; if too little is added, it may not be effective. Wang Dingmian said, "After DHA foods were launched on the market, there have been no negative complaints due to the addition, and I have not read any clinical data that companies can provide that children will be particularly smart after eating them." Jiang Zhuoqin, a nutritionist at the School of Public Health of Sun Yat-sen University, said, "From this regulation, the idea is to start with children's food first." But this does not mean that adults cannot eat it, because DHA capsules for adults have long been launched on the market.

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